After working with Epic Games on the official ZoneWars LTM Trailer. I wanted to try take what I had learnt and put it into another fan-made trailer.
I made this trailer in about 18 hours. Split between two days. There was only me and one other actor that kindly helped me for a few hours to get the shots that I had planned out.
When working on the ZoneWars LTM Trailer (with Epic Games), they asked what I edited in. At that time, I was 100% Adobe After Effects. However during that project I quickly learnt Adobe Premiere and also this 'Fortnitemares' Trailer in Premiere as well. Apart from the sound design and bit of motion graphics in After Effects.
Personally, I think this trailer is a lot cleaner than my others. Shots read a lot cleaner and have better framing.
Fortnitemares 2019 Fanmade Trailer!